
Monitoring clusters and Grids since the year 2000

Ganglia Execution Environment Released!

As promised, the ganglia execution environment has been released! The execution environment requires at least version 2.3.0 of the ganglia monitoring core be installed. The Ganglia Documentation has been updated to include all the information you need to know about installing and using the executiong components. There have been a number of changes to the monitoring core: 2002-04-19 Matt Massie · Fixed a bug in the .spec file where upgrades failed if gmond was not up · Updated autoconf to correctly configure ia64 machines 2002-04-18 Matt Massie · Enabled setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR for the mcast_join socket in order allow multiple instances of gmond to listen to the same multicast channel 2002-04-17 Matt Massie · Added the –list and –single_line option to gstat for output flexibility 2002-04-17 Alan Hagge · Added preliminary support for IRIX 2002-04-16 Matt Massie · Added the gexec metric in preparation for the release of gexec · Updated the gexec_cluster() function in libganglia to pull in more data from the XML and handle unresolved names and names without domains correctly · Updated gstat to print the updated information from gexec_cluster() · Added a –no_gexec flag to gmond for hosts that are not part of the computation cluster (file servers, frontends, etc) · Added a –all_trusted flag where gmond sees ALL hosts as trusted as suggested by Martin Knoblauch · Removed goto statement in pre_process_node() function to avoid rare looping bug thanks to feedback from Mike Snitzer