The Ganglia Development Team is pleased to announce the release of Ganglia 3.0.2 (Wilbur) which is available for immediate download from
This release is mainly fixing bugs. For a detailed description of the changes see the Changelog included in the tarball.
Some of the highlight are:
- New AIX metrics code
- NetBSD support
- “–pid-file” option for gmond and gmetad
- Old gmond “location” staments are now handled correctly
- “gmond –location” now works correctly
- Compile fixes for MacOS Tiger
- Gmond no longer core-dumps on 64-bit Linux platforms
- cpu_wio is now reported correctly
- PHP fixes in the web-frontend
- many more…
The following Bugzilla entries are adresses: 27, 49, 54,62, 63, 68,70, 72.
This release has been tested on the following platforms:
- Fedora FC4 / ia32
- SuSe 9.0 / x86_64
- RHEL3 / ia64
- Mac OS Tiger
- Solaris 2.8 / Sparc-64
- AIX 5.2, 5.3
The Ganglia team